Standards for energy efficiency for windows have been put in place to ensure that windows perform well in our climate. Energy Star certification is one such standard. Note however that they are not the only energy efficient windiws. Windows can be very energy efficient even if they do not come with this certification. In addition other factors can affect the energetic performance of your home including the number of windows in the house, the climate, the orientation of the house, the quality of the glazing and the materials used to manufacture the window. Consult with us for more information about Energy Star certified windows and our other products.
This type of window has two sashes that slide vertically up and down in the frame. They can open wide from either the top or the bottom, The yremain inside their frames so they don't protrude out to the exterior or interior of the house. Double hung windows offer great ventilation options as the top part of the window can be opened and the bottom part remain closed.
On aSINGLE HUNG GUILLOTINE WINDOW, only the bottom part of the window operates while the top part remains in place Some guillotine windows come with tilt in pannels which makes them easy to clean. The panels can be of 2 different dimensions. A decorative touch can be added to the windows with tiling between the glasses, or on both surfaces for a more realistic effect. The tiling between the glass panes is more resistant to yellowing, cracking and fading. It also allows easy cleaning of the windows.A spacer located on the edges provides triple and double glass panes sealing as well as insulation
illustration 1 click to enlarge
Glass is a critical component in the performance of of a window. Thermo glass is coated with Low E and double and triple glass thermos are filled with Argon gas ..These specialty Low E Argon windows provide a marked improvement in thermal insulation and thus greater energy savings, and in acoustic insulation as well. .
click to enlarge.
Aluminum profiles are strong and durable.. Illustration 1 is typical of the profiles used to manufacture guillotine windows . Illustration 1 is a profile used to manufacture tripled paneled thermos Their main features: